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Dealing with Complaints and Abuse

Guidelines and Legal Duty for Handling Abuse

When addressing complaints, it's crucial to handle situations professionally and ensure personal safety.

Recognizing and Addressing Abuse

  • Importance of Good Customer Service: While complaints may escalate, personal abuse is unacceptable.
  • Security Measures: Alert security teams or follow phone call protocols to manage abusive situations.
  • Documentation: Record incidents of abuse, including details of the contact and statements made, and report to management.

Legal Duties and Employer Responsibilities

  • Legal Framework: The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 mandates employers to safeguard employees' health and safety.
  • Risk Assessment: The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 requires employers to assess and manage risks, including those related to violence and abuse.
  • Compliance: Adherence to various acts and regulations aimed at protecting employees from abuse and violence is mandatory.

Defining Harassment and Violence

Harassment and violence encompass physical, psychological, and sexual forms, ranging from isolated incidents to systemic patterns of behaviour. It can occur between colleagues, superiors, or third parties, varying from minor disrespect to severe criminal offences requiring legal intervention.