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NHS Complaints Procedure

Understanding the NHS Complaints Process

In this video, we outline the NHS complaints process, particularly relevant for individuals working in the health sector. Familiarizing yourself with this process provides insight into the typical procedures within your workplace.

Stage One: Making a Complaint

  • Formal Complaint: If informal resolution is not feasible, lodge a formal complaint with your service provider (e.g., GP, dentist, hospital).
  • Complaint Procedure: Every NHS organization has a complaints procedure; inquire with staff or visit their website for details.
  • Contacting NHS England: For primary care services, contact NHS England, providing comprehensive information for investigation.
  • Time Limit: Lodge complaints within 12 months of the event, with possible extensions in exceptional circumstances.

Stage Two: Escalating Complaints

  • If Dissatisfied: If unsatisfied with the outcome, escalate the complaint to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman.
  • Include in Complaint: Provide detailed information, including previous complaints and their outcomes, to facilitate the investigation process.

For more detailed guidance, visit the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman website.